Military Families

Connect Ministry to our Military Families

Encouraging and Equipping our Military for Christ

We seek to minister to Immanuel's military population. This is an initiative to raise awareness of our military through an appreciation reception and service Sunday (Veteran's Day), a slideshow of our deployed heroes in the Worship Center, and a welcome ministry, Visitor Reception in the Atrium, using current or former military couples.

We welcome any volunteers who would desire to participate or assist in any of these initiatives.

Prayer-reminder Photos of Deployed Heroes

Have you noticed the slide show in the Worship Center and Atrium between services? We display pictures of Immanuel family members who are deployed to a combat zone. This will remind us to pray for them and honor their service.

If you know of someone at Immanuel with a deployed close relative, please have them send a picture to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Make sure they note the relationship to Immanuel (member, regular attender, husband/wife/son/daughter of ___), unit, and expected date of return from overseas deployment.

Free Stay for Military Families at Sandy Cove

Sandy Cove Ministries and Conference Center has created Operation Oasis Outreach as a way to say thank you for the sacrifices made by our military. Any service man or woman, including those in the Reserve and National Guard, returning home from deployment to the Middle East can come to Sandy Cove with their family to rest and reconnect for FREE! This program includes comfortable accommodations in the Chesapeake Lodge or Pioneer Campground cabins, all meals, recreation, and programs, if available. For more information, see their website.

Useful Resources

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6911 Braddock Rd
Springfield, VA 22151


M-Th: 8:30-4:30pm | Fri: 8:30-3:30

© 2025 Immanuel Bible Church. All Rights Reserved.