Immanuel Bible Church Membership Requirements/Process
1. The requirements for membership at Immanuel Bible Church are:
That you have personally trusted Jesus Christ alone as your Savior.
That you have confessed your faith through believer’s baptism.
That you be supportive of and not teach against the constitution, bylaws and statement-of-faith.
That you agree to abide by our discipline/restoration policy as explained in the church bylaws.
2. Indicate your desire for membership information on a Connection Card or by contacting the church office. You will be given the date of the next membership class called Discovering Immanuel.
3. Attend the Discovering Immanuel class and then complete an application for membership online or mail it to the church office (attention: Discipleship and Family Office).
4. Two elders will set up an appointment for an interview with you at a convenient time for all.
5. After the interview, the Elders will recommend you for membership to the Elders at their next scheduled meeting. The Elders will vote on all membership applications.
6. Upon approval, we will notify you to welcome you into membership at Immanuel Bible Church.
Note: The entire membership procedure may take as little as a month or as long as several months, depending on your schedule and the schedule of the assigned Elders. If you need to be baptized (a membership requirement), please contact the Discipleship and Family Office for more information.
Immanuel Bible Church Membership Responsibilities
In becoming a member, I am committing to do the following:
1. I will protect the unity of my church by acting in love toward other members, by refusing to gossip and by respecting and following the leaders and the teachings of the church.
2. I will share the responsibility of my church by praying for its growth, by inviting the unchurched to attend and by warmly welcoming those who visit.
3. I will serve the ministry of my church by discovering my gifts and abilities, by being equipped to serve alongside my leaders and by developing a servant’s heart.
4. I will support the testimony of my church by attending faithfully, by living a godly life and by giving financial resources regularly and cheerfully to the church.
Active members will vote on elder recommendations in the following matters:
- New pastors, elders, and deacons
- The annual budget of the church;
- Acquisition of real property and associated indebtedness
- Disposition of all or substantially all of the church’s assets
- Amendments to the constitution or bylaws
- Merger or dissolution of the church
- Any other major event or decision as designated by the elders.
We look forward to your becoming a part of the Immanuel family and to growing in Christ with you!
If you have any questions, please visit us at the Welcome Center on Sunday morning, or please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also call us at the church office. Our number is 703-813-1955.
Discovering Immanuel Class
The Discovering Immanuel class is generally offered once a quarter; the classes help people learn our church history, what we teach, and how we are organized. Our handout materials are very "user friendly," presented in an interactive CD. It is our joy to see attendees become official members and use their talents serving the Lord faithfully within the church body and the community.
Membership Class Time/Dates: 9:30am B207 classroom
- Apr 13
- May 11
- June 8
- July 13
Sign up for the Discovering Immanuel Class HERE
Apply for Membership HERE
Call 703.813.1955, or please visit us at the Welcome Center on Sunday morning, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions.
Additional Documents
Constitution and Bylaws (which includes our Statement of Faith)
Printable Application for Church Membership (You need to have the most recent version of Adobe Reader to fill in this form. Otherwise, you can print it off and fill it out by hand.)