Volunteers Needed
Immanuel Bible Church has a wide array of ministries that serve our congregation as well as our community. Most of these are staffed by volunteers who are committed to serving on a regular basis using the gifts and talents the Lord has given them. If you would like to serve the body of Christ here at Immanuel, we have a place for you! Below are listed ministries with a current need of volunteers. All offer training if necessary; more important is a desire to be used effectively. Our Registration Form will give you an opportunity to indicate your availability: Sundays, weekdays, or evenings, and a comment field if you would like to indicate any other areas in which you might consider volunteering.
Volunteer Highlights
Immanuel's Hope Ministry
Immanuel's Hope Ministry is reopening with a new format! We are assembling small teams of both English and Spanish speakers to sort donations, host on-campus visits, and make follow-up phone calls. We still need your donations of seasonal clothing, linens, and small house wares. There is flexibility to serve on campus or from your home. For more details or to volunteer, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or leave a message at 703.916.8654.
Sunday Greeters and Ushers
Do you have an engaging personality and love to meet new people? We are looking for "friendly folks" to serve Sundays on our Greeter Usher Team. Greeters, along with our Ushers are often the first friendly face our congregation and visitors see at the building entrances on Sunday! Very little training involved. For more information, click here. To volunteer, click here and fill out our interest form.
Sunday Evening Volunteers
Sunday Evening service has several opportunities for volunteers to help support the team. Men or women with engaging personalities and a warm smile are needed as greeters to welcome people to the Atrium before service. Volunteers are also needed "behind the scenes" to operate worship slides for projection. For more information or to volunteer, click the link and fill out our interest form.
KStation (Children's Ministry) Volunteers Needed
We have many openings for teachers, helpers and small-group leaders for all Sunday morning worship hours. Click here to view openings. For more information or to volunteer, click the link and fill out our interest form.
ProPresenter Operators Needed
ProPresenter operator volunteers are needed once a month on Sundays to advance the worship slides at the worship services, 7am–12:15pm. If you are interested in helping in this vital ministry, please contact the Music Office, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Parking Lot Attendants
Our parking lot attendants serve 40 minute shifts on a monthly basis. There are volunteer coordinators for parking lot attendants in each Adult Bible Fellowship class who maintain a class roster and can be contacted through your class President. Fill out a connection card during one of our Sunday morning worship services and drop it into the offering plate, expressing your interest in participating. For more information, please contact Ken Hess, Immanuel Director of Security, Parking & Shuttle Services, at 703.813.2057.
Communion Preparation
This team of volunteers prepares our communion elements once every three months on a Saturday and Sunday. For more information or to volunteer, click the link and fill out our interest form.
Levite Team
Our Levite team prepares our pew racks for worship services on a rotating schedule. For more information or to volunteer, click the link and fill out our interest form.
Meal Makers
From time to time a need may arise for a meal or meals for an Immanuel family in need or crisis. If you like to cook and would like to join the MEAL MAKER TEAM, please let us know You will be given plenty of notice and time to prepare a meal for one of our families. For more information or to volunteer, please click the link and fill out our interest form.
American Sign Language Ministry Opportunity
Do you know ASL? We would like to provide sign interpretation for some of our special services, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. If this is something of interest to you, please contact the Music & Worship Office, 703.813.1953 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., to learn more about this volunteer opportunity.