Immanuel’s Hope Ministry is the charitable outreach ministry of Immanuel Bible Church that provides clothing, linens, and small house wares to families in need in our community.
Donations are welcome from the Immanuel family and the community.
Volunteers from the Immanuel family serve together to sort and organize donations, host visits to the “shopping area” for free goods, share the Gospel and offer prayer.
Immanuel's Hope Ministry es el ministerio de compasión de Immanuel Bible Church que proporciona ropa, sabanas, cubrecamas, manteles y pequeños artículos para el hogar a familias necesitadas en nuestra comunidad.
Se reciben donaciones de la familia de Immanuel y la comunidad.
Nuestros voluntarios de Immanuel sirven juntos para clasificar y organizar las donaciones, recibir las visitas para recoger cosas gratis, compartir el Evangelio y orar por ellos.
Immanuel’s Hope is one of the ministries from Immanuel Bible Church, it provides local families with access to clothing, linens, and housewares in a seasonal basis. If you would like to visit us, please fill this form below. All appointments are scheduled every other Saturday. |
Immanuel's Hope es uno de los ministerios de la Immanuel Bible Church, que provee a las familias ropa, sabanas cubrecamas, manteles y artículos para el hogar para las cuatro estaciones del año. Si desea visitarnos, por favor llene el formulario de abajo. Las citas se programan cada dos sábados. |
Register Here |
Registrese Aqui |
For questions call at 703-916-8654 |
Para preguntas llame al 703-916-8654 |
Immanuel’s Hope Ministry provides an opportunity for the Immanuel family (members and regular attenders) to be on mission together: |
El Ministerio de Esperanza de Emanuel ofrece oportunidad para que la familia Immanuel (miembros y asistentes regulares) trabajen juntos en misión: |
Wednesdays, noon-4pm: Volunteers receive, sort, and organize donations. We are especially in need of men volunteers who can receive, move and store donations on Wednesday afternoons, 12-4pm, and assist on Saturday mornings when distributions are made to people in need. |
Miércoles, del mediodía a las 4 p.m.: |
Monday afternoons: Volunteers sort and organization donations (not open to receive donations). |
Lunes por la tarde: |
By appointment: |
Con cita previa: Los voluntarios reciben a los visitantes en el recinto de recojo de ropa (en inglés y español). |
Evangelism volunteers: |
Voluntarios de evangelismo: |
Contact for more information about volunteer opportunities: Call: 703-916-8654 (leave a message) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Para más información sobre oportunidades de voluntariado: Llame: 703-916-8654 (deje mensaje) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
The following donations are priority needs for the families served by the Hope Ministry: |
Las siguientes donaciones son necesidades prioritarias para las familias que vienen al Hope Ministry: |
Seasonal clothing (our storage space for out-of-season clothing is limited) o Work clothing o Shoes with remaining service life |
Ropa de temporada (nuestro espacio para almacenar ropa fuera de temporada es limitado) |
Linens, sheets, blankets, and towels. Kitchen wares o Anything to cook and eat with o Working appliances, no larger than a countertop microwave |
Ropa de cama, sábanas, mantas y toallas. Utensilios de cocina |
Small house wares o Cleaning equipment and supplies o Small hand tools o Working appliances, no larger than a vacuum sweeper |
Pequeños artículos para el hoga o Accesorios y suministros de limpieza o Pequeñas herramientas manuales. o Aparatos de trabajo, que no sean más grandes que una aspiradora |
Please Do Not Donate o Furniture, baby cribs, strollers, nursery furniture o Food o Yard equipment, mowers, tools o Electronics, televisions, computers, monitors, DVD players |
Por favor, no done o Muebles, cunas, cochecitos, muebles de guardería o Víveres o Equipo de jardinería, cortadoras de césped, herramientas o Aparatos electrónicos, televisores, computadoras, monitores, reproductores de DVD |
Please consider donations that reflect the love of Christ, reflect well on Immanuel Bible Church, and express respect to the recipients. The families who receive these items will not be able to repair them. | Por favor, considere donaciones que reflejen el amor de Cristo, que reflejen bien a Immanuel Bible Church y expresen respeto a los que los recibirán. Las familias que reciban estos artículos no podrán repararlos. |
Donation Locations and Hours: |
Lugares y horarios de donación: |
The Hope Ministry Garage Open to receive donations: Wednesdays, noon-4 p.m. (Closed the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Wednesday between Christmas and New Years Day) The ministry garage is the long white garage behind the little white house across the sports field from Immanuel Bible Church (across Braddock Road from the Starbucks). 6901 Braddock Road, Springfield, VA 22151 A tax receipt is available. |
El Garaje del Hope Ministry |
Church Atrium Donation Bin A receipt request may be left in a pocket at the bin. |
Contenedor de donaciones en el atrio de la iglesia Se puede dejar una solicitud de recibos en el bolsillo del contenedor. |
For information: |
Para mayor information: |