In the IBI, we lay a foundation for ministry through adult elective courses in systematic theology, church history, Bible survey, and practical theology. The subjects are often provocative and contemporary, addressing the needs of our day with biblical truth.
Spring 2025
The Spring 2025 Semester of the Immanuel Bible Church begins in just a few weeks! Consider The Fundamentals of the Faith, Part 2. Even if you missed Part 1, it is worth jumping in to discover the doctrines of the Holy Spirit, the church, spiritual gifts and spiritual disciplines. The Art of Marriage will be offered again, along with Walking With Giants (Church History) - Middle Ages, and Answers in Genesis. We are also offering Parenting With An Eternal Perspective again, taught by Pastor Jesse Johnson. Consider signing up and equip yourself for ministry!
Operating under the Immanuel Bible Institute, many of our adult education classes carry a cost to cover curriculum and other materials, which are distributed at the first class. However, even if there is no cost for the class, you still must register! You can also call the Adult Education & Groups office and register over the phone.
Course Listing
Sundays 8:00 a.m. to 9:10 a.m., B207, begins 02/02/25
Bob Hartman
($10/ person)
Whether you are a seeker, new believer, or a Christian wanting theological grounding, FoF 1 and FoF 2 explores the basic questions: Who is God and what is He like? How can Jesus be 100% God and 100% man? What is salvation, why do we need it, and what is necessary for salvation?
Picking up where Part 1 left off, FoF Part 2 focuses on growth in the Christian life, exploring the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the church, spiritual gifts, prayer, evangelism, service and God’s guidance. This course continues to utilize the Fundamentals of the Faith (Moody Press) curriculum, audio messages by Dr. John MacArthur and classroom discussion with comprehensive notes to build believers and future leaders at Immanuel. Note that while we recommend that FoF 1 & 2 be taken in sequence, students may take FoF 2 first and follow up with FoF 1 in the fall.
The Fundamentals of the Faith, Parts 1 and 2, is Immanuel’s “flagship” course, since it thoroughly explains what we believe. It is strongly recommended for every Immanuel member, especially those who teach in any capacity. (13 weeks)