4 years old (by 9/30/25) through rising 6th graders
are invited to join us for VBS!
Learn About VBS:
When is VBS?
Monday, June 23rd to Friday, June 27th, 2025
AM VBS is from 9:30am to 12:00pm.
- Drop off begins at 9:15am.
PM VBS is from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
- Drop off begins at 6:45pm.
What is the age requirement to attend?
AM VBS is available to 4 year olds (by 9/30/25) to rising 3rd grade students (2025-26 school year).
PM VBS is available to rising 4th through rising 6th graders (2025-26 school year).
What does a VBS morning look like?
AM VBS starts and ends in a full Worship Center. Children sit, by rows, in a pew with their leaders. Our Large Group sessions in the Worship Center will have relevant music (sometimes loud) with movement, drama, weekly verse and theme of the day review and lots of standing up & sitting down.
Teen Leaders take children from location to location throughout the entire building. Children will get instruction from their teen leaders and move as a group, going to:
Crafts- Completing various crafts with the assistance of teens and adults
Games- Participating in group games, taking direction from adults and teens
Snack- Making and eating a snack (taking direction from adults and teens) while standing around a table as the daily theme and verse are reviewed
Bible Time- Sitting and listening to a daily Bible lesson told by a “Granny”
Is my 4 year old ready for VBS?
VBS Attendees must be able to do the following things independently:• Ask and go to the bathroom
• Receive redirection from teens and adults
• Stay with a group while transitioning from various locations throughout the building
• Be in a loud environment
• Sit and attend to multiple story times
• Follow directions for crafts and games
How do I Register?
Capacity is limited. You can register online using the links below.
Can my child with special needs attend AM VBS?
We work hard to make sure that children can successfully attend VBS, but the environment is not always successful for every child. Please review what an AM VBS Morning looks like above.
Can your child do the following independently?
• Ask and go to the bathroom
• Receive redirection from teens and adults
• Stay with a group while transitioning from various locations throughout the building
• Use coping skills for loud and overstimulating environments
• Sit and attend to multiple story times
• Follow directions for crafts and games
Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any additional questions.
What is the cost?
VBS is $35.00 per child. A t-shirt is included.
Please note, t-shirt size requests will only be honored for registrations dated before May 5th, so register early.
Early bird discount of $5 off per child applies from April 6-13.
Can I register my child at any time?
Online registration is open from April 6th through June 21st, as space allows.
When do I pick up my t-shirt/my child's t-shirt?
You will be notified by email when t-shirts have arrived and are ready for pickup.