
Jesse Johnson

Jesse Johnson
Role: Lead Teaching Pastor

Latest sermons by this teacher

When Jesus Marches Around Jericho
Sun, Nov 24, 2013
Pastor Jesse Johnson continues in Mark with the story of the blind man. | Passage: Mark 10:46-52 | Learn more about Immanuel at
I See Greatness Upside-down
Sun, Nov 17, 2013
Pastor Jesse Johnson continues in Mark with the topic of greatness. | Passage: Mark10 : 35-45 | Learn more about Immanuel at
When Your Enemy is Your Neighbor
Sun, Nov 10, 2013
Pastor Jesse Johnson breaks from Mark to share with us about persecution | Passage: Luke 12:49-59 | Learn more about Immanuel at
The Suffering Son
Sun, Nov 03, 2013
Pastor Jesse Johnson continues in the series "Gospel of Mark." | Passage: Mark 10: 32-35 | Series: Gospel of Mark | Learn more about Immanuel at
The Impossibility of Salvation
Sun, Oct 20, 2013
Pastor Jesse Johnson continues in the series "Gospel of Mark". Jesse shares in-depth why Jesus replied the way he did about salvation when the rich man asked "What can I do to be saved". | Passage: Mark 10: 17-27 | Series: Gospel of Mark | Learn more about Immanuel at
For Children Only
Sun, Oct 13, 2013
Pastor Jesse Johnson continues in the series "Gospel of Mark." To receive the kingdom of God like a child is to go to Jesus, surrender our self-will, confess our sins, and recognize that we don't have what it takes to stand before God. | Passage: Mark 10: 13-16 | Series: Gospel of Mark | Learn more about Immanuel at

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6911 Braddock Rd
Springfield, VA 22151


M-Th: 8:30-4:30pm | Fri: 8:30-3:30

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