Contact Juan
Juan and Lilly Ancalle
Juan Ancalle is happily married to Lilian C. Ancalle and they have 6 children (Lilian , Angela R., Daniela, Juan, Miguel, and Ingrid). Juan was born in Bolivia in 1960, received the Lord Jesus as his Savior in 1968, and was baptized in 1976. He graduated as an electrical engineer from the Technical University of Oruro and the La Paz Bible Seminary of Bolivia.
He was called to the ministry in 1986, serving the Lord Jesus for 23 years as a Pastor.
After having served as director of Hispanic Ministries at Immanuel since 2005, he was called as Pastor of Hispanic Ministries in March, 2007. Prior to coming to Immanuel, Juan served as Pastor, Montclair Tabernacle Church of God Hispanic Ministry, Dumfries, Virginia 2003–2005, and Senior Pastor, New Jerusalem Christian Evangelical Church, Oruro, Bolivia1986–1999.
Juan notes that "clear teaching and preaching of the Word of God is necessary to help Latino believers grow in the Lord: winning the unbelievers in the community, consolidating them in their faith in Jesus, followed by a discipleship process and preparing them to be leaders to extend the Kingdom of God. I believe the church is called to encourage the integration of the Latino community with the rest of the congregation and with the general society."
Contact Michael
Michael and Michele Connor
Michael grew up on a farm in northern Maryland and did undergraduate studies in International Relations at American University in Washington D.C. While being exposed to global issues as a student, he became convinced that the real needs of the peoples of the world are not political and economic, but moral and spiritual. Based on this conviction and a clear call from God, he joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ in 1979. In 1982, he was sent as a missionary to French-speaking Cote d’Ivoire, Africa where he served as Campus Crusade’s Country Coordinator until 1991.Following that, he earned a Masters of Divinity and achieved Ph.D. candidacy in Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Michael ministered with Christian Embassy from 1996-2005, serving the international diplomatic community in Washington, D.C. Christian Embassy serves as a spiritual resource to government, military and diplomatic leaders and their families. In July of 2005, Michael became Pastor of Mission and Outreach at Immanuel. He and his wife Michele have two children, both of whom are married, and four grandchildren.
Contact Dan
Dan and Darlene Crabtree
Dan grew up at Immanuel Bible Church with his loving parents, Brent and Marty, and older brother Tim. He learned to love the church from a young age and began serving on staff at IBC as early as his high school years. But God did not save him from his sins and show him the beauty of Christ until after his prodigal college years. At the age of 23, Pastor Jesse sat down with Dan and explained to him the transforming power of the gospel, and the Lord called Dan to himself.
After his conversion, Dan began serving in the high school ministry in earnest, discipling students through music and through Scripture. He began to discern that the Lord was calling him into full-time vocational ministry and applied to seminary. During that season, God brought Darlene into Dan’s life. They dated and were married, then Dan began classes at The Master’s Seminary while serving as the Director of Jr. High Ministry at IBC.
After moving out to California in pursuit of his seminary degree, Dan and Darlene moved back to Northern Virginia in 2018 so that Dan could serve on staff as the College Ministry Director at IBC.
Dan completed his Masters of Divinity degree in May 2019, was ordained as the Associate Pastor of College Ministry in September of that year, and continues to serve in the college ministry with his wife. They are passionate about bringing the hope of Jesus and his gospel to college campuses in our area and to see college students discipled to love and serve Christ and his church. Dan and Darlene have three children.

Contact JJ
JJ and Alyssa Engelbrecht
Born in South Africa, JJ immigrated to the United States as a child. He came to Christ in high school, when God rescued him from a life spent seeking pleasure and popularity. Through his conversion, the Lord opened an opportunity for him to attend Liberty, where he grew in his faith and developed a desire for pastoral ministry. After college, JJ came to the Northern Virginia area to be a young adults pastor and worship leader at another local church. JJ came to Immanuel Bible church in 2019, and joined our church staff as our director Middle School ministry. He has served as a pastoral associate (training to become a pastor) ever since. Those who know JJ appreciate his teaching and his heart for ministry. JJ has developed a reputation as a helpful counselor, and as a personable and godly leader. JJ has demonstrated his faithfulness, giftedness, and qualification for vocational ministry here at Immanuel Bible Church for the last five years, consistently bringing credit upon the gospel and the church through his life and actions. His willingness to serve the church in any capacity is evidenced by his nearly ubiquitous presence, as he lends a hand with music, teaching, serving, and discipling at every opportunity he’s given. Tom Joyce recently told the elders that JJ is a man who “walks the talk and therefore has credibility when he talks the walk.”
JJ recently finished seminary through Immanuel Bible Church and our distance location for The Master’s Seminary, with the goal of vocational ministry.
Contact JJ Engelbrecht
Contact Ryan
Ryan and Joyce Francis
Ryan was born in Los Angeles and raised in St. Louis. He earned his B.S. in mathematics at Illinois College, where he played football and came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He then returned to L.A. to complete a Masters of Divinity at The Master’s Seminary before coming to serve at Immanuel. He and his wife, Joyce, have four young children.
Contact Alex
Alex was born and raised in Longview, Texas. After high school, he joined the Marine Corps where he served for ten years at Camp Lejeune and Headquarters, Marine Corps, Washington, D.C. After returning from a year-long deployment to Iraq, a friend confronted Alex with the truth of the Gospel and that was the means by which Alex came to know Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior at 23 years old.
While attending the singles Sunday school class in Jacksonville, NC, Alex met his wife Stephanie. They were married in 2007 and have the three most wonderful daughters. Alex completed his undergraduate studies with Liberty University. He graduated with his MDiv from Capital Bible Seminary, ThM from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and DMin from The Master’s Seminary.
Alex has served in ministry at Immanuel Bible Church since 2013. First as our Director of Young Adults and later as the Pastor of Single Adults and Membership Connection. In 2024, Alex became the Pastor of Ministries.
When not in the office, Alex enjoys playing golf, going camping, and rooting (mostly in vain) for the Dallas Cowboys and Texas Rangers.
Contact Bob
Bob and Lisa Hartman
Bob and Lisa have ministered at Immanuel since 1986, and in July of 2002, the elders called Bob to join the pastoral staff. Although born in West Virginia, he grew up in Alexandria, down the street from a friend who would later lead him to Christ at age 21. Bob became an enthusiastic member of the Grace Brethren Church in Temple Hills, MD, where he later met Lisa.
Lisa trusted in Christ at an age too young to remember, and attended a Southern Baptist church throughout her childhood. Although born in Philadelphia, being an Air Force daughter resulted in her coming from "all over." Lisa was working for a Southern Baptist evangelist when she and Bob first met. They were married at GBC in 1978, and worshipped and served there until their move to Alexandria and IBC.
A life-long student, Bob received his Bachelor of Science in Business and Management from the University of Maryland, concurrent with his career in sub-contracts and procurement. In 1996, he began pursuit of a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Capital Bible Seminary, which he received in May of 2004.
After 14 years without kids (Bob and Lisa enjoyed retirement on the front side of their marriage) Luke was born. Three years later Michael came along to make sure Luke was never lonely. Their favorite pastime is poking their father and saying, "Dad, wake up!" Bob has played the bass since his early teens, and he continues to do so anytime he can. He enjoys riding his bike, and taking his boys for an explore in the woods. Like Daniel Boone, he is "never lost, just bewildered." Lisa is an earnest disciple maker, beginning with Luke and Michael. She uses well her gifts of a sharp mind, an honest heart, and a good eye for balance and beauty. Lisa is a skilled cook, and would like to be a pastry chef when she grows up. She is a friend of unequaled worth to anyone blessed enough to know her, and especially to her husband Bob.
Contact Steve
Steve and Kathy Holley
Steve was born into a wonderful Christian home in Washington, D.C. While attending a summer camp at age nine, Steve accepted Christ.
Steve attended Annandale High School and graduated from James Madison University where he received his General Social Sciences degree. He has a Master of Arts degree in Theology from Capital Bible Seminary. Steve taught social studies at Lake Braddock Secondary School for 7 years.
While attending Immanuel, Steve met Kathy, his wife. Together they served as lay youth counselors. Sensing God’s call to the ministry, in 1982 he became the Youth Pastor. In 1995, Steve accepted the position of Family Education Pastor and served in that ministry until 2000 when he became the new Pastor of Ministries.
When not attending to pastoral duties, Steve enjoys activities with his family: hunting, fishing, golf, yelling for and at the Redskins, and reading both historical biographies and accounts of the American Civil War.
The Holleys reside in Burke with their three sons, Michael, Drew, David and their daughter Meredith.
Contact Jesse
Jesse and Deidre Johnson
Jesse Johnson was born and raised in New Mexico. During his senior year of high school, a soccer teammate of his explained the gospel to him. It was the first time he had ever heard the good news of Jesus Christ, and his teammate brought him to a small church for Easter. It was there that Jesse gave his life to the Lord. Jesse eventually went to the Master’s Seminary as a student, and then later as a professor. Jesse spent time as Outreach Pastor at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles, and as a chaplain for the Los Angeles Sherriff’s Department.
Jesse has his PhD (theology) from Christ College, Sydney. He is a graduate of the University of New Mexico (Sociology/Spanish), as well as The Master’s Seminary (ThM). He is on the board of The Master’s University in Los Angeles.
Jesse has edited a number of publications including Fundamentals of the Faith, co-editor of Evangelism in the John MacArthur Pastoral Library Series, and was a contributor to Men of the Word and Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong, and Right Thinking in a Church Gone Astray. His most recent book is City of Man, Kingdom of God: Why Christians Respect, Obey, and Resist Government.
He and his wife Deidre have three daughters, and live in Alexandria.
He blogs at The Cripplegate, and is on twitter @jarbitro.
Contact Bill
Bill and Charlene Price
Bill Price was born and raised in Norfolk, VA in a military family. He began studying guitar at an early age and after becoming a believer as a young teen began studying piano. Bill has a BS in Music Ed from Bob Jones University and a M.Mus.Ed from Norfolk State. After teaching high school for eight year Bill entered full time church worship ministry, serving in Centreville, VA; Rochester, MN; Atlanta, GA and Williamsburg, VA. Bill completed a Doctorate of Worship Studies degree in 2003 and joined the staff at Immanuel in 2022. He and Charlene have been married for 40 years; they have two adult sons and two grandchildren.