womens conference 2025
Do you long for more in your walk with Christ? What does it look like to hunger and thirst for God? Is the desire of your heart to know him intimately and follow him faithfully? Because God delights in making himself known to his children, our pursuit of a growing relationship draws us more deeply into his presence and equips us to love him with all our heart, soul, and mind and to love others.

Join us in March as we delve into:
• Loving God—which grows out of knowing him as he has revealed himself
• Loving His Word—which grows out of plumbing its depths and excavating its truths
• Loving His People—which grows out of reflecting the love of Christ to those around us

With 3 teaching sessions from Immanuel’s own Wendy Blackwell, Marty Crabtree, and Laura Corombos, worship with Jessa Anderson, breakout sessions including topics like visual journaling, church history, missions, and more, this weekend will be a great one of encouragement, teaching, and fellowship.

Meet Our Speakers

Wendy Blackwell


Wendy and her husband, Jay, have been a part of Immanuel for twenty-five years. The US Army brought their family to Northern Virginia in the summer of 2000, and to their surprise, they never left. After raising their two sons in this church, they are now delighted to watch the next generation of their family growing up here also. Together they all enjoy going for walks, riding bikes, and discovering the best coffee and donut shops. Wendy’s love of teaching has afforded her opportunities in a variety of roles, including preschool, high school, homeschooling, Bible studies, and most recently, Theology Matters. Currently, she serves in the Care & Counseling Ministry, where she considers it a blessing to witness God’s work in the lives of His people.
What would you like people to know about you?
I love helping people better understand the differences between introverts and extroverts, so I describe myself as an introvert who likes people. Just please don’t call me for a few hours after the party! (that probably only made sense to introverts)

Marty Crabtree


Marty Crabtree is the wife of the world’s greatest Mr. Fixit - Brent, and mom of two terrific sons, Tim and Dan, and their lovely wives, Ansley and Darlene. But the true delight of her life is her six grandkids, who range in age from 1-9 years old. The Crabtrees were an Army family, finally settling in Northern Virginia in 1990, when they began attending IBC. Marty taught several grades and subjects at Immanuel Christian School before retiring in 2019. Since retirement, she keeps busy teaching Bible studies, as a Team Teacher of Theology Matters, and thoroughly enjoying grand motherhood.

What would you like people to know about you?
Something people would not know about me is that I served in the US Army during the Vietnam war. I was once tasked to drive a 2 1/2 ton truck across the post wearing a gas mask. Definitely a once in a lifetime experience.

Laura Corombos


Laura Corombos grew up attending Immanuel Bible Church with her family. Her father is currently an IBC elder and her mother plays flute in the church orchestra. Laura has bachelor's and Master's degrees in music education and taught elementary music for eight years. She met her husband, Greg, backstage during an IBC Easter Pageant. They’ve been married for 15 years and Laura is currently homeschooling their two daughters (ages 12 and 10). She serves around IBC on the Women’s Ministry Vision Team, Bible Study Leadership Team, and Theology Matters Teaching Team. Laura also served for many years in the IBC Music & Worship ministry, both in choir and the orchestra, and also as director of the children's choir. In her spare time, Laura loves spending time with good friends, good coffee, good books, and good podcasts.

What would you like people to know about you?
Five years ago, the thought of homeschooling my daughters and teaching theology was nowhere on my radar. We make our plans, but the Lord directs our steps! (Prov. 16:9)

Breakout Sessions 2025

Click here to learn more about this year's breakout sessions

Registrants will choose one breakout session for Saturday - choice will be made in person during conference check-in.

Worship Center: Missions Here, There, & Everywhere – Everyday Evangelism

Summary: Every person we meet is an image-bearer of God and is loved by Him. God calls us to share the gospel in every season of life - at school, in the workplace, with family, neighbors, and friends. Come hear from our panel on how they have followed this calling in a variety of ways both here and around the world. The mission field is all around us and God wants us to join Him there!

Speakers: deedee Collins (Moderator), Ashley Britton (Panelist), Michelle Connor (Panelist), Sarah Smith (Panelist)

A206/208: Caring Deeply For Others

Summary: Care deeply for others by encouraging them, walking alongside them, and sharing their burdens. Learn practical tips, truths, and tools from two experienced Immanuel Christian counselors.

Speakers: Laura Fay and Angie Hemingway

A209/211: Creeds, Catechisms, and Confessions: What are they and why do they matter today?

Summary: The early church creeds were written over 1600 years ago, the Heidelberg Catechism in 1563, and the Westminster Confession in 1647. So why do pastors and authors still study and quote from these dusty documents? In this session, we will explore the clear biblical teaching and timeless gospel truths written long ago that can guide and encourage our walk with Christ today.

Speakers: Marty Crabtree and Stephanie Hairgrove

A207: Visual Journaling: Using Your Creativity as a Tool for Going Deeper

Summary: This hands-on session will give you inspiration and techniques for using visual journaling to engage more deeply with sermons and Bible reading.

Speakers: Ali Procopio

Seminar Room: The Gift of Lament

Summary: Is lament for everyone, or only if you have or are experiencing a “significant” hardship? Since we are broken people in relationship with other broken people we all need to understand biblical lament to deepen our relationship with Christ and others. In this session we will discuss laments—prayers rooted in knowing God deeply—that enable you to pour out your heart honestly to God, confident He will hear your pain and by His Spirit settle your soul with the truth of who He is.

Speakers: Tracy Warren

Meet Our Worship Leaders

Jessa and Jordan Anderson

Jessa and Jordan Anderson (of Jordan and Jessa) - After more than a decade of solo albums and EPs, touring the country, and leading worship together in the local church, Jordan and Jessa Anderson have come together to create their latest album, Hymns.

After meeting and marrying young, the couple pursued their shared love of music and songwriting, releasing their first solo projects in 2008. Their experience over the years of leading others in song and performing their original music, combined with their time in ministry to the local church, has given them a unique love for church music and encouraging others in the gospel through song.

Their desire is that their gospel-centered music will provide deep encouragement to the church body in our daily pursuit of Christ. Between tours, you can find Jordan and Jessa at home in Nashville, Tenn. with their children: Lorelei, Jagger, Sylvie, and Haddie.

We are thrilled to welcome Jessa and Jordan to lead us in worship and share some of the duo’s original songs. To learn more about Jessa and Jordan and to hear some of their music, visit https://www.jordanandjessa.com/home.

Registration Costs

  • Special Opening One Day Rate (January 12, 2025 ONLY!): $40 regular registration
  • Early Bird Rate (through February 23): $45, Student Rate $25
  • Regular Rate (through March 26): $55, Student Rate $30

The Early Bird registration rate is available from January 13 to February 23. Registration closes March 26, 2025. Be sure to sign up now!

Registration rates include all main worship and teaching sessions, breakout sessions, snacks and other refreshments, a milk & cookie reception Friday evening, and lunch on Saturday.

Please don't let the cost of the conference prevent you from joining us. Partial scholarships are available. Contact wm@ibc.church to apply.

If you need to cancel your registration for any reason, you may do so with a full refund through March 20, 2025. Please contact wm@ibc.church to cancel, if needed.

Conference Agenda, Volunteers, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



*These times are offered as a guide for your planning purposes and are subject to change.

Friday, March 28
6:30 pm          Doors open

7:30 pm          Session 1: Worship and Speaker Wendy Blackwell
9:00 pm          Milk & Cookies reception                   

Saturday, March 29
8:30 am          Doors open

9:00 am          Session 2: Worship and Speaker Marty Crabtree

10:25 am        Break with light refreshments

11:00 am        Breakout Sessions

12:15 pm        Lunch

1:00 pm          Session 3: Worship and Speaker Laura Corombos

2:30 pm          Official conference close


We can always use willing hands to help the conference run as smoothly as possible.

If you can help, select ‘volunteer’ on your registration form, email us at wm@ibc.church, or visit the women’s ministry table in the Atrium between Sunday services to get more information and sign up to help out!


All women including teenagers are welcome to attend. Please invite your friends, family, and neighbors – all women are welcome! (We will not have childcare. We love children but this is a women-only event – nursing infants are welcome.)


Our weekend begins on Friday night with doors opening around 6:30pm. Upon arrival, proceed directly to the conference check-in table in the church lobby. At check-in, you will receive a folder with important information for the conference, including a map of the church.

Directly following folder pickup, be sure to visit the breakout registration table where you will be able to sign up for a session. Conference planners will be available at the table to answer questions about the sessions.

See the conference agenda for a full schedule.

There are three options for registration beginning on January 12:

  1. Fill out the form at the link or use the QR code on our conference sticker we will hand out on January 12.
  2. Go to the IBC Bookstore to register.
  3. Register in person at the women’s ministry table in the Atrium between Sunday services. 

Don’t forget your Bible, notebook, pen, an open mind, and an open heart.

Casual! Jeans are fine, dresses are fine -- whatever makes you most comfortable.

Lunch on Saturday is included with the registration fee. We will also have a cookie reception on Friday following the evening session. Coffee and other refreshments will be available throughout the conference.

You will review and select your lunch option during the registration process. Our caterer has offered selections that accommodate various dietary needs to the best of their ability.

You will receive an email confirmation after your registration has been processed. Final event details will be emailed a week or so before the conference.


We hope everyone who wants to join is able to attend, but we know that’s not always the case. The conference will not be livestreamed; however, we will record the main sessions and post them to this webpage as soon as we’re able after the conference.


Yes! The bookstore will be open during check-in and the cookie reception Friday evening, during breaks and for a short time after the last session on Saturday.

The bookstore offers a special discount to attendees during the conference, so be sure to visit them and check out the wonderful biblical resources and gifts they have to offer!


We will have our balcony open where there is plenty of space to spread out. We also offer a nursing mother’s room down the hallway off the lobby near Door 2.


Reach out to wm@ibc.church and we will get you a response.

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6911 Braddock Rd
Springfield, VA 22151


M-Th: 8:30-4:30pm | Fri: 8:30-3:30

© 2025 Immanuel Bible Church. All Rights Reserved.